USD to PKR Exchange Rate in Pakistan Today

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The current USD to PKR exchange rate as reported by State Bank of Pakistan is 283.5. This is the interbank closing exchange rate for today. As it can fluctuate and change many times a day so we should keep an eye. If you are dealing with international transactions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Date: 20 Dec 2023
  • Exchange Rate (PKR): 283.5
  • Change (PKR): 0.02%

USD to PKR Exchange Rate in Pakistan Today

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DateExchange Rate (PKR)Change (PKR)
20 Dec 2023283.50.02%
usd to pkr currency exchange rate

PKR to Other Currency Rates in Open Market

Apart from the exchange rate of USD to PKR, it is important to know about the other big currencies in the Open Market as open market rates are different from interbank rates and they change from bank to bank. The open market rates for some prominent currencies are as follows:

  • US Dollar: Buy 283.5, Sell 286.2
  • Euro: Buy 309.5, Sell 312.5
  • British Pound: Buy 360, Sell 363.5
  • UAE Dirham: Buy 77.9, Sell 78.6
  • Saudi Riyal: Buy 75.5, Sell 76.2
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CurrencySell RateBuy Rate
Omani Riyal736.49728.49
Malaysian Ringgit61.2660.66
British Pound363.5360
Danish Krone41.841.4
Canadian Dollar212210
Bahrain Dinar753.89745.89
Indian Rupee3.523.41
Hong Kong Dollar36.3235.97
Chinese Yuan40.2239.82
Japanese Yen1.451.39
Swedish Krona27.8627.56
Saudi Riyal76.275.5
Thai Bhat8.278.12
Qatari Riyal78.5177.81
New Zealand Dollar177.83175.83
Australian Dollar190188
Kuwaiti Dinar920.82911.82
UAE Dirham78.677.9
Swiss Franc325.48322.98
Norwegian Krone27.2826.98
Singapore Dollar212.5210.5
US Dollar286.2283.5

The rates mentioned here are indicative and can be changed based on market conditions. You should check the latest rates before making any transactions Remember banks may charge a higher rate so it will be good for you to stay updated from trusted source like where you can find interbank currency exchange rate in Pakistan.

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